Sunday, April 7, 2013

Laundry Day

I hate doing laundry.  I hate doing laundry so much that I put off doing it by writing this blog post.  

I have two choices of where to do laundry:  I can go to the cobweb-enveloped, splinter-covered "basement" of our apartment building with a stash of quarters, nerves of steel, and an up-to-date tetanus shot, or I can haul my dirty skivvies to the local laundromat, get my weekly contact high, and hope no one watches as I shove my unmentionables in a giant washer.  I generally choose the latter, because my fear of spiders far outweigh my desire to save my hypersensitive sense of smell.  Plus, honestly, I have cute underwear.  Well, really what it is I'm at work before banks open and leave after they close, so I never have time to get quarters for the dungeon anyway.

Laundry decision-making for me is more than just "Is it too cold for spiders to be out to attack me?".  Having this illness forces me to make many more decisions than that. 
Can I do laundry today?
Do I split the laundry so it's less heavy to carry, but I have to make multiple trips, or do I make it one big heavy trip so I only have to take the stairs once?
Do I have the energy to wash my sheets (which means having the energy to take them off my bed, add them to the weight of the already heavy laundry I carry, and then put them back on my bed)?
If I don't do my sheets now, will it be too much later?
If I don't wash all my clothes now, will that be too much later?

I'm not sure if you read The Spoon Theory from my previous blog, but this is an excellent example of how it pertains to me.  Each decision I make with my laundry either costs or saves me a spoon to use later, and each decision depends on the day and how many spoons I've already used.  If I decide to do my laundry, all of it, including my sheets, I may not have spoons to spare to do anything after.  If I try to save the spoons for something else, I may run out anyway.  The things that people might find mundane or routine are things that I have to think long and hard about before I can do. to get my weekly contact high.  Til next time...

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